17 June 2021, update 19 augustus 2021
This is for victims in The Netherlands and Belgium (language is Dutch).
More information:
17 June 2021
Weapons based on electromagnetic waves exist and are used. We already knew that but now the main stream media is reporting on it extensively as well.
New website:
17 juni 2021
11 August 2021: WEBSITE UPDATED
The home, news and about pages have been converted and are now (finally) easy to read on a mobile.
10 January 2022 Pinned post
Let's all try to end Electronic Harassment / Electronic Torture in 2022! In 2021, for the first time I was able to file a police report. What was different from previous attempts? The Havana Syndrome. Joe Biden signed the Havana Syndrome Act in 2021, a recognition that this form of assault can have harmful consequences. No one can deny that these attacks do not exist. Inform/educate the police if they do not know, always take a copy of the Havana Syndrome website I created and above all, mention the symptoms that are on this website first. I did it, so you can do it too. The police will tell you that they cannot help you. Tell the police that you want to inform politicians with your report so that these weapons can be banned and the police instructed to help victims.
1 December 2022
Brief naar de Minister van Justitie en Veiligheid Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius: Stoppen van aanvallen en martelen met Gerichte Energiewapens. Medeondetekend door twintig slachtoffers.
Letter (in Dutch) to Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius: Stop Attacks and Torture with Directed Energy Weapons. Co-signed by twenty victims.
1 December 2022
Good interviewing and explanations about mind control, including mind reading, the hives mind, artificial intelligence, with Len Ber, hosted by TheMatrixMinds.
21 November 2022
Sorry, posted this some time ago but with a bad link. Here it is again with the correct link. Please watch the video.
Important: On 6 October 2022 the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted Draft Resolution A/HRC/51/L.3- "Νeurotechnology and human rights" - Submitted by Greece, Chile, Singapore.
Watch the video, and file a complaint, read how to do it.
19 November 2022
In 2002 Dr. Reinhard Munzert was one of the people warning about the horrors of Directed Energy Weapon attacks: 'They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aimed at computers, electronical devices and persons.'
Reinhard Munzert's webpage is still online.
18 November 2022
Voor TIs niet op de STOPEG mailinglijst:
Actie: Brief naar de minister van Justitie: Stoppen van aanvallen en martelen met Gerichte Energiewapens
Zoals de meesten van jullie ongetwijfeld weten heeft STOPEG begin dit jaar een brief gestuurd 'Stoppen van aanvallen en martelen met Gerichte Energiewapens', naar de korpschef van politie Nederland, H. van Essen. Ook na een tweede keer opsturen en een klacht bij de politie heb ik geen enkele reactie ontvangen. De brief vind je op
Het is tijd om hier opvolging aan te geven. De politie valt onder Justitie dus stuurt STOPEG nu een brief naar Dilan Yeṣilgöz-Zegerius, de Minister van Justitie en Veiligheid.
Let op:
1. Het gaat hierbij om aanvallen en martelen met Gerichte Energiewapens (Directed Energy Weapons), dus niet stalking, niet RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) en ook niet een stroomstootwapen (Taser).
2. Je moet in Nederland wonen.
Als je deze brief wilt mede-ondertekenen, stuur dan de volgende gegevens aan mij op: Naam, adres, wanneer de aanvallen begonnen.
Ik ga NIET je naam in de brief zetten, alleen je voorletter en de voorletter van de plaats en dat de gegevens van de medeondertekenaars bij STOPEG bekend zijn. Er komt dan dus iets staan als:
M. te U., sinds 2010
Z. te N., sinds 2018
Deze brief verstuur ik ergens vanaf volgende week woensdag 23 november 2022, wacht dus niet te lang met je reactie.
17 November 2022
On 17 November 2022 on
14 November 2022
Verslag/Samenvatting TI bijeenkomst 12 november 2022
14 November 2022
Former Supreme Court justice Thomas Cromwell will mediate claims against the federal government from nine family members of Canadian diplomats who suffered unexplained ailments in Cuba.
The development is a step toward resolving some elements of a Federal Court action filed in 2019 by diplomats and dependants – now numbering 18 plaintiffs – who seek millions of dollars in damages from the Canadian government after becoming mysteriously ill while posted to Havana.
13 November 2022
Len Ber MD was diagnosed with the Havana Syndrome by the same doctor (dr. Hoffer) that diagnosed the Cuba US embassy personnel.
Please share this this video (it already has 100K view in 4 days).
Video, with Len Ber & Robert Duncan.
5 November 2022
Let op de tijd: Het is niet 12u-17u, maar 11u-16u!
5 November 2022
Argos over de chaos en vriendjespolitiek bij de Landelijke Eenheid. Een van de grote problemen is naar mijn mening dat de diensten TCI (Team Criminele Inlichtingen), TOOI (Team Openbare Orde Inlichtingen) en de Afdeling Inlichtingendienst Wet op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten (afdeling ID-Wiv), die ook werken voor de AIVD, bevoegd zijn informanten in te zetten, waar nauwelijks iets over gedocumenteerd wordt in verband met de veiligheid van de informanten. En sinds de nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten mogen informanten worden ingezet om criminele handelingen te verrichten. Dat deden ze daarvoor ook al alleen mag het nu volgens de wet. Geen controles, dat kan alleen maar leiden tot nog meer machtsmisbruik.
5 November 2022
Very much information again about the Havana Syndrome. FBI agents targeted, Mark Zaid, Marco Rubio and more. Read, if you are a target.
5 November 2022
Mark Zaid: My latest interview, this time for CBS News in Miami, Florida, regarding my work representing #AHI victims.
When will the USG come clean on what it knows? I know for a fact - A FACT - that it is withholding reams of information from the public. #CoverUP
5 November 2022
Interview with Dr. Beatrice Golomb, director of the Golomb Research Group and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego.
She knows what is going on: radio frequency radiation (the networks call it “pulsed energy) is being used as a weapon.
30 October 2022
Targeted Justice published its website page views by country in the newsletter of July 15, 2022. At number 5, The Netherlands.
23 October 2022
Very important: Laywer Mark S. Zaid says he knows what it is ... but cannot say it.
In the 16 September 2022 Yahoo News Conspiracyland podcast, Mark Zaid says:
'This is gross evidence of a coverup by the US government. I have had access to classified information. And there is a lot of information that has not been publically revealed.
And if you knew what it is, you would be very upset. I know that for a fact.
Can't say what it is unfortunately. So it really sucks. I'm saying something I can't back it up.'
22 October 2022
Let op de tijd: Het is niet 12u-17u, maar 11u-16u!
22 October 2022
Important: On 6 October 2022 the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted Draft Resolution A/HRC/51/L.3- "Νeurotechnology and human rights" - Submitted by Greece, Chile, Singapore.
Watch the video, or file a complaint, read here how to do it.
8 October 2022
You can look at NATO STO Open Access documents, see link below.
The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies
Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations
8 October 2022
Recent document on NATO website about Non Lethal Weapons, probably from a presentation there.
... There are acoustic technologies, such as a long-range acoustic hailing device or warning munitions, that you can project out to hundreds of meters, to provide enhanced warning. Other technologies included dazzling lasers. A millimeter wave technology to create an intense heating sensation, that makes it intolerable for a person to stay in position ...
It is a public document but fb did not allow the link.
Internet search: NATO STO public Non lethal weapons
8 October 2022
“From what I have seen, there are tons of significant, credible leads that to the best of our knowledge the agencies are not addressing,” said Mark Zaid, an attorney who is representing some of the complainants. “Leads that clients of mine put into the system — and they’re not doing it. To me, this is where they need to be held accountable to explain why.”
On Capitol Hill, Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat, and Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, told CNN they’re urging the Biden administration to declassify as much of the report as possible in order to get more information into the public eye, even without definitive conclusions.
1 October 2022
It is not only stars you see when you look up at night, but also satellites. Some hang still and others move (orbit the earth). These can be visible because they have solar panels that they can point back at the earth, like a mirror).
When Elon Musk shoots another batch of Starlink satellites into space you can often see them, see links below.
There are apps for your cell phone that list all the stars. You hold your phone up and then you know which lights are stars and which are satellites, see links below.
Also, you have drones and airplanes, a few of them can hang virtually still in the sky. And they can also have lights ...
Why is this important? Because many (Directed Energy Weapon) attacks also come from the sky.
28 September 2022
How come I don't feel sorry for this doctor.
A CIA doctor investigating the mysterious Havana syndrome says he got symptoms of the illness himself
28 September 2022
On September 25, 2022 CNN aired a Special Report: Immaculate Concussion, The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome. Dr. Sanjay Gupta investigates the controversial health mystery impacting US covert personnel, diplomats and service members around the globe.
At least Dr. James Giordano was very clear about what happened:
GUPTA: I went to Cuba. And I spent time talking to scientists, and they wholeheartedly uniformly believe that there were no attacks, and they say there is no evidence at all that these happened.
GIORDANO: I solidly disagree with that.
GUPTA: Could they have done this in a country, and the country not know about it?
GIORDANO: Yes. I have no doubt. No doubt at all. The equipment could be assembled on site. The components could be brought into the country piecemeal.
GUPTA: How big would this weapon potentially be?
GIORDANO: The device itself would be about the size of this bench or perhaps a little smaller.
GUPTA: And how far away would it need to be or could it be to actually deliver this energy?
GIORDANO: Dozens of meters. The reality is that these devices exist. The science and technology is real, and they represent weaponizable entities.
Here is the transcript by CNN:
24 September 2022
I compiled my experiences with brain manipulation, such as forced thoughts, into a PDF:
15 September 2022
The Havana Syndrome never existed ...
Top State Department official DENIES the existence of Havana Syndrome reported by 1,100 diplomats
leading to payments of up to $200k: ‘We have not identified any outside causality’
15 September 2022
Mark Lenzi is a State Department security officer who worked in the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China.
From [1]:
Around November 2017, approximately 15 months af ter they arrived in Guangzhou, Mr. Lenzi was injured in the line of duty. Mr. Lenzi and his wife and children began experiencing sudden and unexplained mental and physical symptoms, including headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleeplessness, and memory loss. Mr. Lenzi verbally complained of these symptoms to his superiors in Guangzhou through the Spring of 2018.
On or about May 26, 2018, Mr. Lenzi contacted his former neighbor, who had been medevac’d to University Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Mr. Lenzi informed her of the numerous symptoms he and his family had been experiencing over the past six months. After Mr. Lenzi described their short-term memory loss, Mr. Lenzi\'s former neighbor stopped him and said that Mr. Lenzi needed to get himself and his family out of their apartment \'right now .\' She went on to say that she had pleaded with the State Department on three different occasions to inform and get her American consulate neighbors out of the Tower 7 Apartment Complex in Guangzhou, but that each time the State Department did nothing. She agreed with Mr. Lenzi that their American diplomatic colleagues should be warned about the potential risk to their health and safety.
Mr. Lenzi therefore has the right to \'file a civil action in an appropriate United States District Court in accordance with § 1614.407(b)\' with respect to each of the EEO Complaints described above.
F. Award Plaintiff financial compensation for emotional distress, pain, and suffering;
From [2]:
The government, Mr. Lenzi also said, has readings that show the presence of dangerous levels of microwave energy in China. In an unclassified workers\' compensation report he filed with the Labor Department, Mr. Lenzi recounted how his neighbor in China used a commercial detector to record high levels of microwave energy in the apartment next to his.
But follow-up tests by the government used a classified device widely known not to be as reliable at detecting directed energy, said Mr. Lenzi, whose work involves countering foreign eavesdropping including by using directed energy. When the government says directed energy is a theory but there is no evidence, \'That is simply not true,\' Mr. Lenzi said. \'They have readings, especially in Guangzhou,\' he said.
Read more:
15 September 2022
The Havana Syndrome never existed ...
Top State Department official DENIES the existence of Havana Syndrome reported by 1,100 diplomats
leading to payments of up to $200k: ‘We have not identified any outside causality’
12 September 2022
I am organizing another meeting, for victims from The Netherlands.
8 September 2022
If you have some time, check out the CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, and search for example: microwave weapon Unfortunately, most of the documents are at least 20 years old, nevertheless it gives a clear picture that microwave weapons have been a high priority with the CIA from the beginning.
8 September 2022
Mark S. Zaid, a lawyer representing some of the Havana Syndrome victims, has a CIA briefing slide appearing to date from the 1960s or 1970s which shows a building being hit by microwaves from a nextdoor structure. Zaid said the slide was among the personal effects left by a deceased agency officer.
7 September 2022
Are animals used to harass you? With Directed Energy Weapons many things are easy. Two examples: The same beam that is used to force you to urinate or defecate, can be applied to a dog walking by with its owner, the moment they walk past your house. The dog stops and does his thing. Or, the moment you pass a rider on horseback in the woods, they shoot a beam into the horse's rear or leg. The horse strikes back with his legs.
Of course the military has secret projects involving 'spy' animals. And once these projects are successful, other agencies like the CIA can use them, for whatever they want.
Some links about 'spy' animals:
26 August 2022
Mark S. Zaid: Thanks to @Newsy & @SashaIngber for ensuring this story is known about @FBI & Anomalous Health Incidents.
Domestic incidents involving US Govt personnel at multiple agencies are much higher than publicly known.
Report by Sasha Ingber - NEWSY, with Mark S. Zaid: ... domestic incidents have been downplayed, if not ignored by the US government ... most of it is beneath the surface ...
SCOOP: FBI personnel have been reporting symptoms of the mysterious syndrome that first afflicted overseas diplomats and spies... inside the US. Members of the FBI say they've been injured in DC and Florida, especially in the bureau's Miami field office, @MarkSZaidEsq says.
25 August 2022
New York Times: The C.I.A. has begun to make compensation payments to current and former officers who sustained traumatic brain injuries from a series of mysterious health incidents, according to officials and others briefed on the arrangements.
19 August 2022
In 2002, two years after my 24/7 targeting started, I sent a letter to the Prime Minister of The Netherlands, Balkenende. I explained the situation and demanded:
AIVD means the Dutch Secret Service and associated organizations
1. The AIVD does not interfere with my entire family and relationships with immediate effect.
2. The AIVD does not interfere with me with immediate effect.
3. There will be a ban on the AIVD directly or indirectly requesting cooperation from citizens and police and others until it is certain that the AIVD does not mentally or physically murder, discommunicate, or otherwise harm people through its actions.
4. The AIVD acknowledges its failures and provides me with such information so that the person(s) responsible can be tried and found guilty or provides justice itself.
5. I will receive material and immaterial damages amounting to two million euros.
6. The AIVD will approach all persons with whom it has come into contact and will inform them that i have wrongly been included in its list.
Of course I received a response that there were no actions against Peter Mooring.
But what I want to say here is that all TIs should write such a letter to their government. No, your targeting will not get less. But do you really have an alternative?
Here is my letter, in Dutch language, you may want to (translate and) use it.
19 August 2022
Noise campaigns and 'plock and crack' sounds.
I call these sounds 'plock and crack' sounds, but there are different types: 'crack' sounds, 'tick' sounds, 'plop' sounds, 'plock' sounds. Oh, and these sounds are not in my head, I recorded them several times.
When you are gang stalked, they often create noise campaigns.
There are many types of sounds they use. Bang on the wall, tick in the radiator of the central heating system, loud talking people, barking dog, a starting car, accellerating motor bike, drilling, ambulance with siren, slamming door, shouting, drilling, shouting, slamming waste bin cover, coughing, incoming (whatsapp/sms) messages sound, etc.
The plock sounds I am talking about here are different from these sounds. Here is my list of what I call 'plock and crack' sounds:
- Crack-sound: Sounds like someone is shooting in the roof of the house. Can be very loud. Most of the time this happens when I am upstairs, in bed.
- Tick-sound1: Sounds like the tick of a cooling or heating (plastic) electric hot water kettle, but this sound is also there when the kettle is not in use. Can be very loud. Happens several times a day.
- Tick-sound2: Sounds like someone is shooting in the (plastic) gutter (of the roof). Happens when I am outside in the garden. Not very loud.
- Plop-sound: Sounds like someone is throwing small rubber(?) balls at the window, or ... Happened only in the beginning.
- Plock-sound: Sounds like someone is hitting something (wood?) hard with a finger. Several times especially in the evening and at night. Typically there are either crack sounds or plock sounds.
I believe that these sounds are created using Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), including electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
The first time I was confronted with these sounds was in the beginning of the targeting. At that time I knew nothing about gang stalking or electronic harassment. The only things I knew were that I was surveilled 24/7 and attacked by some group that had to be part of a government organization (police? Dutch secret service), because I was still alive.
When I was in bed, the whole time there were soft 'plocks' coming from the window, synchronized to my movements. In the beginning I thought someone was throwing / shooting small rubber balls, and I went outside two times to search for something that could have been used. I did not find anything, no marks on the window, nothing on the ground. Could it have been some object connected to a wire, used to pull the object back? Maybe. But once I read about Directed Energy Weapons I became more convinced that that they were using DEW. Many things are easy with DEW.
The crack sound (in the roof) is probably caused by a high power DEW burst shot from an aircraft or drone. When there is no aircraft available, they use local DEW installation close to me, and the sound is a plock sound.
The tick-sounds (water kettle, plastic gutter of the roof) is probably caused by a local DEW installation close to me.
I know many TIs who experience more or less identical sounds. If you do, I hope you want to share your experiences,
26 July 2022
CIA director William Burns in cover-up mode.
26 July 2022
Havana Syndrome: James Benford, a physicist and leading authority on microwaves, says the most plausible explanation is that it is a high power microwave weapon. 'There are many kinds and they can go anywhere in size from a suitcase all the way up to a large fracture trailer unit. And the bigger the device, the longer the range. ... Microwaves go through glass, they go through brick, they go through practically everything. The technology has been studied for more than fifty years. It has been developed widely in perhaps a dozen countries. Primary countries are the United States, Russia and China.'
If you are looking for information about gang stalking aka organized stalking,
then read the book 'The Hidden Evil' from Mark Rich.
Mark's website:
18 July 2022
In 1997, U.S News and World Report published an article 'Wonder Weapons' that reveals that the U.S. had research projects:
- to incapacitate people without inflicting lethal injuries,
- to affect human behavior.
- to blind enemy soldiers. to stun them, nauseate them, or even “liquefy their bowels and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes,”
- to incapacitate the central nervous system remotely,
- to make internal organs resonate (The effects can run from discomfort to damage or death),
- to induce epilepticlike seizures,
- to heat the body to bring on discomfort, fevers, or even death,
- to alter sleep patterns,
- and more,
using lasers, acoustics and microwaves.
This is one of the few Western main stream media articles that describes laser, acoustic, microwave, vortex weapons. Read if you are a target.
Many links disappeared, here are two links:
18 July 2022
Reality check on Russia's 'zombie ray gun' program
NBC News, 2012
16 July 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
10. Forced thoughts and microwave heating
By sending you forced thoughts and simultaneously heating your head (by microwaving it) they can create better effects. A heated head is associated with anxiety like fear or concern.
Somewhere around 2012.
Frequent in the beginning, once in a while after that. In the beginning you are unaware. There is not much fun for them when you know.
1. They make you think of a person and simultaneously heat your head. You feel hot and may start sweating.
2. They make you think of something, e.g. and simultaneously heat your head. You feel hot and may start sweating.
As I wrote before, I believe that forcing thoughts into your brain is relatively easy. I do not hear hear voices, nobody is talking to me, there is nothing that makes me associate this thought with a sound.
When they started doing this, I tried to figure out ways to prevent myself from going crazy. I slowly learned to distinguish between my own thoughts and external thoughts. But then they started also heating my head at the same time.
We associate a heated head with anxiety, the sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread. This means that by heating your head at the same time of an unpleasant forced thought, you get an extra negative vector.
When they started doing this, I 'fortunately' was already attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, microwave blasts, burning, cooking, etc., and forced thoughts, meaning that I was able to understand what they were doing. The only thing I had to do was learn to recognize this in its early stages. Crazy, never learned this at school!
As I believe they are able to partially decode your thoughts, or subvocal speach (talking in yourself generates signals that can be picked up from a distance), my defense was to immediately force myself to think about other things.
I created a list of possible things to think about at such moments, my 'counter-thought-list'. This makes it more easy for me, and hopefully I can disrupt their loopback system. I am not going to tell you what is on my 'counter-thought-list', except that it is not NSA-friendly ...
Now assume, they do this to a person that does not know anything about this. You can imagine what will happen.
Essential read when you are attacked:
13 July 2022
End 2017 a Targeted Individual from Spain visited me. He made drawings of his targeting and more. I put this information on In case you did not see this I am posting the link to this information:
13 July 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
9. Can they reprogram your brain?
You start thinking something like "Hey, I haven't been (DEW) blasted in a while". Immediately you starting burping or get the urge to burp. Think-about-attack -> burp. If this happens several times you start to wonder if they can reprogram your brain. I mean: you think of 'A' and your brain automatically generates the burp signals for your body.
Not sure, somewhere around 2010.
Anytime, anywhere.
1. You sit at your computer and think something like "Hey, I haven't been (DEW) blasted for a while". Immediately you burp or get the urge to burp.
2. You are driving in your car and think something like "Hey, I haven't been (DEW) blasted for a while". Immediately you burp or get the urge to burp.
3. You are walking in the streets or in the woods and think something like "Hey, I haven't been (DEW) blasted for a while". Immediately you burp or get the urge to burp.
Around 2010, I began to believe that it might be possible to make you burp by attacking your brain as well. This, in addition to making you burp using the "brute-force" Directed Energy Weapon blasts. The first thing I did was to determine if burping in such a case was related to a beam I could feel. Burping 'light' means you don't really feel a beam. Burping 'medium' means you feel the beam, but it's not painful. Burping 'extreme' means you have burning sensations (and worst), this can be very painful.
Now assume that they can also make you burp through your brain, I mean by attacking your neurons. After all, our brain is a computer in many ways. Would it be possible for the mind controllers to reprogram your brain, that is, would it be possible to rewire your brain? In programming terms, can they hack your brain as follows: An area in your brain that is responsible for burping, is connected to an area in your brain that processes your thoughts and filters the word 'attack'. On a match, it triggers the burp.
To make a long story short: No, they did not reprogram my brain, well that is what I concluded.
My personal case is quite extreme because I am watched 24/7 and attacked second-by-second.
It can also be that the thought "Hey, I haven't been (DEW) blasted for a while" was induced (what I call a forced thought) and immediately followed by a DEW beam.
In my home, it is easy to attack me using Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and matching a brain activity pattern. Outside, it is more difficult, but I have written many times that I am followed everywhere, including by aircraft. It is possible to pick up brain activity (changes) at great distances (there is a patent describing this). I think they want me to write that they can do this too. But they can't. Not today. But maybe tomorrow. They will certainly work on it. Torture and how to make it more horrible.
13 July 2022
I started the website '' in 2007. It's now 2022 and finally there is a statement (2014 from the NSA) and a report (2022 from the US Intel community) that officially confirms that people (US embassy and security personnel) were attacked with (pulsed) microwaves and that these microwaves go through 'building materials'. A number of these people will be compensated. All government employees.
Main stream media reported extensively about this but do not ask the 'who dunnit question'. A CIA report ruled out foreign actors in most cases and we also know that people were attacked in the US (even near the White House) and that many attacks appear to involve Trump presidency government (staff) employees.
Many other people, including me, have been writing about attacks with Directed Energy Weapons on the internet for many years. Did we achieve anything? No, considering we are still mostly ignored. Yes, because I believe the attackers have become much more careful, and that is why we must continue exposing these crimes, write everything down on internet websites, send letters, etc. So that nobody (no politician, journalist, media and human rights organisation) can say 'Ich habe es nicht gewust'. Because WE TOLD THEM.
9 July 2022
I made some drawings that represent the situation of Targeted Individuals. Here's one:
9 July 2022
Document containing a lot of information about mind control, including history.
30 June 2022
Havana Syndrome summary article in German weekly In German (paywall), and in English (no paywall).
25 June 2022
Opinion on Responsible Dual Use from the Human Brain Project
24 June 2022
And what about thousands of victims that been tortured 24/7 for many years ...
23 June 2022
I translated the letter I sent to the chief of police in The Netherlands in February 2022 (from Dutch to English).
Maybe you can use it. See links below.
When you write a letter yourself, then also include the questions you would like to be answered, see the end of the letter:
My questions to you
I have the following questions for you to which I would like to receive your answers:
1. Can you help the victims of this stalking to stop the attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
2. Can you help the victims of this stalking to track down those responsible for and carrying out the attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
3. Where can the victims go to stop attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
4. How can victims protect themselves from attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
5. How can a citizen prove that they are being attacked with Directed Energy Weapons?
20 June 2022
We're all psychiatric patients ... if we don't agree with the government's narrative.
Few months ago the government in The Netherlands launched a new website: Hey, het is oké (Hey, it's okay).
From this website:
"Whether you suffer from mental illness yourself or know someone: talking keeps people close.
It ensures that you understand each other and can be a step towards the right help.
That's why you will find facts and myths about psychological symptoms and tips on how to talk about them in a pleasant way."
The Netherlands is a New World Order guide country, so be warned that this will soon be introduced in your (European) country as well ...
15 June 2022
Joe Biden, president of the USA supports Havana Syndrome victims of Directed Energy Weapons attacks ... oh wait ... US government employees only. What about us, Joe?
8 October 2021: President Biden signs bill that will give victims of mysterious 'Havana syndrome' better medical care.
28 December 2021: Biden signs off on $30 million in funding for victims of Havana syndrome, the mysterious illness officials believe is caused by directed-energy attacks.
10 June 2022
Updated the website. Added more images and links to the section What we know so far. Again, all the information on this website is from main stream media only. This means that you can forward this document to politicians, lawyers, police, etc. without any problems. The website also has a link to a PDF you can download.
8 June 2022
Short (7 minute) must watch video that shows your future. Summary: Dr. Rafael Yuste, one of the initiators of the BRAIN initiative announced in 2013, with 500 laboratories worldwide, believes that scientists will soon be able to 'reprogram' the brains of schizophrenia patients and bring back the memory of people with Alzheimer's disease. For example, using lasers they are able to activate certain neurons in mice to make them see things, and now they are studying a mouse that has schizophrenia.
He says the research should continue, but within ethical guidelines. In the absence of regulations, he founded the NeuroRights Foundation in 2017 so we can make decisions based on our own brain activity and not on outside influence that changes our brain activity. The government of Chile amended the constitution to protect brain activity and the information that comes from it as a fundamental human right. As for the development of neurotechnology in the future, he thinks 90% will be positive.
My take: Persons like Yuste are NOT good persons because they are part of the gang that is destroying humanity-as-we-know-it. They hide behind their 'good work' of helping people with 'mental' problems.
Don't be fooled, neuro research is a (New World Order) military project, which is 90% aimed at (remote) controlling people, humanity, and eliminating opposition.
5 June 2022
New Research Shows Exposure to High-Powered Microwave Frequencies Can Cause Brain Injuries.
'The microwave heating causes spatially varying, rapid thermal expansion, which then induces mechanical waves that propagate through the brain,
like ripples in a pond ... if those waves interact in just the right way at the center of the brain,
the conditions are ideal to induce a traumatic brain injury ...
When applying a small temperature increase over a very short amount of time (microseconds), potentially injurious stress waves are created.'
'The potential of these stress waves to initiate injury mechanisms may warrant further investigation.
The thermoelastic stress wave mechanism is exemplified by the well-known microwave auditory effect (MAE)'.
5 June 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
8. Unfortunately, they can guess some thoughts
Can they read your thoughts? Do they know what you are thinking about? Do they know your secrets? And the (my) answer is: Yes, but with limitations.
Always. They want to let you know that they know everything about you. Sometimes they want to prevent you doing things, like organizing a conference about this subject, by suggesting that they will confront you with dirt about yourself. Thought reading (suggestion) is not not only used to mentally torture you, but also used as backmail new style. They (try to) confront you with your deepest, most secret, thoughts.
It is horrible to know that other persons know your thoughts, or, more precise, to know at certain moments what you are thinking about. The last thing you thought was private, is not private anymore. When I think of this, I often think of 'The Final Frontier', not because there is a Star Trek movie with this title, but because it IS the final frontier. It is the end-of-humanity-as-we-know-it.
1. You think of a certain situation and they react using sounds or beams.
2. You think of a certain situation and they force specific thoughts into your brain.
How you can handle this:
Accept that it can be done, do not believe they can read all your thoughts. Be prepared in case someone would confront you with your deepest thoughts.
I must start by mentioning that there is a lot of suggestion here. Assume they know when you think about sex. They let you know with sounds, beams. At this moment you know that they can decode at least one thing that is going on in your brain. Then, on another occasion, while you think about something else, e.g. money, they also react. How do you know if they know what you were thinking about? You don't, at least not when this happens in the beginning. And this can drive you crazy.
Once you understand that they can react to specific thoughts, read brain patterns, and there is a synchronized reaction, you immediately will start thinking what you were thinking about at that moment. You will think: Can they read this thought too? Paranoia.
When you are a target, they will dig into your past. They let you know that they know. Typical spy stuff. But they certainly will find something that can be used against you. Nobody is perfect. Some things you did wrong, some things you you thought nobody ever would know. Everyone has secrets, nobody is perfect. It may not be shocking but you prefer other people not know about this. Again, nothing is wrong with you, you have the same secrets as most people.
Blackmail is the main work of spies, but today they can get more details by monitoring / analyzing your brain activity. Fantastic.
Dr. James Giordano mentions this in his presentations. They look at your brain activity because they want to know 'what makes you tick'. And once they know what makes you tick, they can disrupt this. I will write another post about how they dig into your brain, how they do this.
I do not know exactly when this started but it must have been around 2006-2008. At a certain moment I started receiving emails with nonsense text. Looked like random words. Then at a certain moment it looked like these emails contained some informationabout me, but not just about me, but what I had been thinking about. Wierd, this cannot be true, I thought.
At that time, they already reacted to changes in my brain activity but could they also recognize patterns of brain activity and respond to this? The emails slowly started to contain more details but then suddenly stopped.
Since 2008 they started to react to certain thoughts, not just some brain activity changes. It is now 2022 and I can only confirm that it is possible for them to at least categorize a number of my thoughts.
They want you to believe that they know everything you are thinking about. I can only say that this is not true, well not for me. And not today, but how about tomorrow? How do you know which thoughts they can decode? And does it matter to know this? Will you feel better?
You cannot protect yourself against these attacks. But you can protect yourself against being confronted with persons saying things they should not know. By preparing a script with answers to questions. Prepare your answers. And be confident. But probably nobody will say this or that. Because then these persons will expose themselves as agents.
This looks like the gang stalking case where they suggest that they film you and watch these films with others. Yes, maybe they film you, but you will never see these films or be able to obtain a copy. Because that would prove you were right.
IMPORTANT: I already wrote about forcing thoughts. In my opnion this is relatively easy. Many people who claim that their thoughts are being read, are misguided by the fact that thoughts can be forced into their brains.
Example#1: When you are behind your computer, you think about overweight. Then they send you an email 'Overweight solutions'. You may think that they read your mind and respond with this email. While all they did was make you think about overweight and send you this email.
Example#2: When you are talking to a person, you start thinking about tv-show xyz. But they also make the person you talk to, think about this. Then this person starts talking about tv-show xyz.
If you do not understand that thought forcing is easy, you will believe that they have read your thoughts while they did not. They were only forcing thoughts.
The summary about thought reading is that they (again) can make you feel (much) more horrible by letting you know what you are thinking about. Another form of torture. And of course they do this, because it is their job to make your life horrible, to take you down.
5 June 2022
When you are a TI, never believe your mobile phone incoming and outgoing calls and text messages.
An IMSI-catcher, also known as Stingray, is a device used by law enforcement, intelligence agencies, acting as a 'fake' cell tower,
between your mobile phone and your service provider's real cell towers.
According to the site of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
these 'fake' cell towers can be configured to divert calls and text messages, edit messages, and even spoof the identity of a caller in text messages and calls.
This means for example when you call an organization, you may be directed a call center of the FBI.
19 May 2022
What can you do when you send a letter to a government organization and you don't get a (written) answer? In many western 'democratic' countries you can request all your data from this organization. In the EU, this is regulated by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
So, you live in the EU and have sent a letter with acknowledgement of receipt to a government organization and received no response.
Then request all your data from this organization. This will take 1-3 months. The information you get back should include the letter you sent. If not, you can file an official complaint.
Years ago, in 2002, I sent a letter to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Balkenende. I received a reply saying that the Dutch Secret Service (AIVD) had investigated my claims but that they could not find anything about or against Peter Mooring, haha. That was in 2003. In 2021 I requested my records from many government organizations including the AIVD. Among other things, they sent back a copy of the letter I had sent to Prime Minister Balkenende in 2002. What I want to say is: never give up, and request your data!
Here is a copy of the reaction of the Dutch government in January 2003 that I received in 2003 and 2021. At the end of this letter: In addition, I can assure you that the AIVD does not employ the methods you describe, such as having a car honk and cough immediately on all your actions.
12 May 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
7. Can they make you burp via your brain?
They often shoot at me with a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) to make me burp. Usually to synchronize burping with other events. How do I know that a DEW is being used? Because in many cases when burping I have burning sensations on my back, chest and/or throat. And when the intensity of the beam is high enough, it feels like I am being cooked alive, with gall coming down my throat. But on other occasions, I have no feeling of burning or cooking. Is it a low intensity, different frequency, or can they do it through your brain too?
Mostly for synchronization purposes, but sometimes to torture me. Very high intensity, very long burping with cooked upper body.
1. You sit at your computer and when you open a new website 'they' make you burp.
2. You are in the company of other people and 'they' make you burp. Especially on certain moments.
3. 'They' synchronize burping with people passing by your window, or, if you are in your car, when you pass other cars.
4. 'They' punish you (because you did something they don't like), and you have continuous maximum burping with cooked feeling.
I think it's important to first explain what it feels like when they do this. You feel an immediate urge to burp. You can't stop this from happening. When I'm alone, I open my mouth and let it go naturally (burp!). If you don't do this, you get 'bloated', as if it fills you up like a balloon. But when I am in the company of other people I try to suppress this. You probably know this yourself, you keep your mouth shut and try not to show what is happening. Then you turn around and open your mouth and slowly let go and blow away the extra air.
They can do this with low intensity and with high intensity. With low intensity, you feel it coming, you have a few seconds to react. With high intensity, you have almost no time, it's there and you have to burp.
After a few years, I learned to control this even when I was in the company of other people. In the beginning, burping was definitely always with the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). I had burning sensations and sometimes cooking sensations.But after a few years, around 2010, I sometimes felt nothing like burning or cooking, but I was still forced to burp.
Today, 2022, this still happens very often and usually I feel burning and/or cooking but sometimes I don't feel this, no physical sensations. What is going on here? Are they using different frequencies to attack my body, or can they also make me do it through my brain? Or ... are they tricking me and want me to believe that they are doing this with DEW while at the same time they are attacking my brain to make it happen? And then want me to spread information about burping by DEW while is in fact disinformation?
They also make me fart to synchronize events. But with farting I don't remember ever having a burning sensation in my lower body. Maybe that is a different beam, a different frequency, or maybe the lower part of your body is less sensitive.
This is difficult, but I am sure they often bombard me with high intensity DEW to make me burp. The burning and cooking feeling is very real.
See also:
5 May 2022
Please send me all documents on your policies on Human Brain Project projects that involve sending electromagnetic waves to the brain from at least one meter away, with the aim of affecting the brain.
This was my FOIA request in the Netherlands (Wob request) to ZonMw in 2021, the organization that distributes Human Brain Project projects. In 2022, I received a lot of pages. These showed that the Netherlands is not really involved (really?) but UK, Germany and Spain are. At least 50% of the pages were about the Graphene Flagship, this is a project funded by the European Union.
One of the projects of the Graphene Flagship is the use of graphene in the development of neural interface devices. These projects are now being carried out by the newly formed INBRAIN Neuroelectronics which has received funding of one trillion (billion).
Some lines of the Graphene Flagship's Annual Report 2020:
Now, we aim to design graphene-enabled sensors that record seizures in patients with epilepsy. Together with our partners ICN2 and ICREA, we launched our spin-off company INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, which will use this graphene-enabled technology to detect seizures moments before they happen, with greater precision than current technologies.
In addition, we are investigating how graphene can improve the electrical stimulation of neuronal circuits to rehabilitate patients with blindness or Parkinson’s. This technology could open the door to brain-machine interfaces that reintroduce lost brain function.'
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics
Developing neural implants to treat Parkinson’s and epilepsy Using smart devices based on an innovative graphene electrode, the Graphene Flagship spin-off INBRAIN Neuroelectronics aims to speed up the development of new graphene-based neural implants to help treat brain disorders like Parkinson’s and epilepsy.
INBRAIN’s devices decode brain signals with high fidelity, and when paired with artificial intelligence, they could help doctors to determine the best course of action to treat patients. Now, in collaboration with the Graphene Flagship, INBRAIN engineers are testing their technology in large animals – and soon, Graphene Flagship partner the University of Manchester and other top institutions will begin tests in humans.
See also:
5 May 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
6. They make you do things at a certain time
What can I say? It can't be true? But it is, for me at least. This is similar to what I described earlier in '1. A repeating foreground thought'. But it is also different because this one is with much more accuracy in time. They really can make you do things at a specific time.
Several times a week.
1. Having you look at your watch at eleven minutes past nine, 9/11. Insane.
2. Making you look at the time on your computer at eleven minutes past nine, 9/11. Insane.
3. Making you go to the toilet at the same time that another person in your house wants to go to the bathroom.
How you can handle this:
I can only cope by accepting that this is possible. It feels a bit like I am a robot. But I am different from a robot (I hope)!
At first I was afraid I couldn't control myself. And I couldn't, and it still happens, but it's really only with watching at the time at eleven minutes past nine. 9/11.
A lot of things are very simple to explain. You can attack a person with a DEW 'urinate' beam, it is irresistible. The 'urinate' beam is one of many ways to attack someone. When they do this with high intensity there is only one thing you want and that is to go to the toilet. So you get up and go to the toilet.
They also attack another person and this other person and me arrive at the toilet at the same time. That's funny once, but not all the time. Ok, you go first, no problem. I try my best to avoid this, by introducing random delays, because it can lead to weird situations if this happens all the time.
If we eliminate this, eliminate the DEW induced synchronization, then there is still the '9/11 look at the time' moment. I cannot block this, it sometimes happens several times a week. Should I avoid looking at the time in the morning? No, it doesn't cause any problems. It's more that I find this pretty horrible. I don't want to do this. But I do it, why I don't know, there is no voice or though I feel, there is nothing I notice. I cannot stop it.
See also:
2 May 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
5. They look through your eyes, can they really?
You look at something and immediately there is a sound or radiation beam to indicate that they know what you are looking at. Or they create a situation to let you know that they know what you are looking at.
Mostly when I am walking outside, shopping, in my car.
1. You are sitting at your computer and no one can see your screen. Every time you click on another website there is a sound, or a DEW beam. They let you know that they know that
2. You walk behind a woman, not close but five to ten feet away. They make the woman scratch her behind or back when you look at her. This is easy to do with DEW. They let you know that they know that you were looking at her behind, which may be true, I don't know, you just look at people walking in front of you.
3. You are looking for another, used, car. You have selected three cars. Every time a selected car comes near you, they shoot you with DEW. They let you know that they know that you were looking at this car at that moment.
4. You are in the supermarket and see an attractive woman. When you are at the checkout, the same woman comes and stands directly behind you. They let you know that they know that you looked at her with some interest as you passed by her and they arrange this situation.
How you can handle this:
I was fascinated by this, probably also because I was contacted by people, then and now, who tell me they can look through your eyes. Some are fake victims, some are not. I handled this by accepting that they can observe some things through your eyes but certainly not all and I think I have proof of this.
Let me start by mentioning that they can 'see' what you type on a keyboard, and they can 'see' what is on your computer screen. That is 'easy'. They can hack your computer or phone, but there are also devices and methods that can observe this remotely. There is no protection against this unless you have the ability to be in a fully shielded room, and generate your own electricity. What I am saying here is that watching what you do on your computer or phone does not mean that they are looking through your eyes!
Around 2010, I found an article on the internet that described the following test. Ten people stood side by side. They were told to look at a painting. During this time, they measured the brain activity of these individuals. It turned out that the brain activity of the individuals was very similar. This would mean that you could make people look at a picture, and then put this brain scan into a database. This way, you can load a database with brain signals and images. And, then later when you scan a person's brain, you can try to match the brain signals with an image. Bingo. But are they really looking through your eyes?
I believe an implant is not necessary to scan your brain. There are patents that show they can scan your brain without an implant. But do they scan your brain all the time? That's pretty expensive in computing power.
When I was driving my car and looking for another car, I was beamed whenever I saw a selected car, but also sometimes when I didn't see the selected car. For example, I looked down somewhere to check the speed and there was a beam. I looked up and there was a car I had selected. This means that they were not looking through my eyes, but they were watching me second by second, in a different way. They thought I saw the other car, but I did not. I already wrote that I am usually followed by planes.
I am in a supermarket and see an attractive woman. I look at her, probably with more attention than when I look at other people. When I get in line at the checkout, the same woman arrives and gets in line behind me. I notice that after a while this woman begins to look around, and after another while walks away confused and continues shopping.
Another example. The same situation with a woman, but now the woman is standing right at the exit of the checkout line. She has already paid. When it's my turn at the checkout, the woman is told by a store clerk that she can go and she leaves, looking confused.
I am being followed everywhere, they want to see every move I make. I know who they are, not because I know them personally, but because I know how these people operate. They come to the same supermarket, they arrive at the same time, they don't buy much, just one or two things. They are not shopping but they are watching me. It could certainly be that a different brain activity is observed the moment I see a woman I find attractive. And that this is a signal, an alert, to take action. This is my life.
There are always persons around me giving random people instructions to act in certain ways. Are they looking through my eyes? In the beginning I was wondering if they could. They may see something, but sometimes they are completely wrong.
See also:
2 May 2022
Attacked with Directed Energy Weapons? Write a letter to the mayor of your city, to a member of parliament, or to the prime minister of your country. Mention this website:
26 April 2022
Putting people to sleep and keeping them awake was researched by Russia in the 1950s.
They called the device the LIDA machine.
The US obtained a copy in the 1960s.
They did some research, applied for patents, and everything became secret.
Many TIs (and other people) are attacked with today's version of this device.
More information in the attached document.
25 April 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
4. You are being attacked on changes in your brain activity
This is not about mind reading. It's about changes in your brain activity. This is also known as (part of) Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). The attackers use these changes to let you know they are watching you by creating responses such as sounds and/or (radiation) beams. It is a next step in letting you know that there is no more privacy. Not even in your head, in your mind. Pretty horrible.
2005 - 2006.
Very often, usually when I am lying in bed and start thinking about something, or almost anywhere when my breath stops for a moment. 'Almost anywhere' sounds ridiculous but that is what I experience.
1. You lie perfectly still in your bed and start thinking about something. This causes a 'plock' sound, or some other sound somewhere nearby, or a radiation beam.
2. You hold your breath for a moment, a few seconds longer than normal breathing. This causes a sound somewhere else. This can be a car horn, a barking dog, a slamming door, a scream.
3. You relax and stare ahead for a moment. This is what we do a few times a day. When I do this, then after a few seconds there is a sound.
How you can handle this:
There is no protection against this.
You cannot live with this but you must.
There is only one way and that is to accept that this can be done.
That is very difficult because this is one of the last things you thought that was private.
I was also angry.
It took me 2-3 years to accept this.
Changes in brain activity can be measured remotely and is part of, what is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). I read about this but still was shocked and felt depressed when I discovered that they could do this to me. I did a lot of 'tests' to verify this. One of the first things I did: I was in my bed in the night. I was fully relaxed and my eyes were closed. Then with eyes closed I moved my eyes like looking to the right. Immediately there was bang on the wall somewhere. Reactions when shortly stopping normal breathing, and staring ahead were easy to verify.
It started then and never ended, meaning my brain was and is under surveillance 24/7. Most reactions are by human operators, a number are computer generated.
It is not only in my house. I already wrote that when I am outside, attacks are from the sky.
One night, somewhere 2008-2010, I tried if I could fool the system.
I totally relaxed my body and mind, like I was falling asleep but I remained conscious.
Then after a few minutes I suddenly heard someone talking on the other side of the wall.
After may be 15 seconds I moved up and the talking stopped immediately.
Success, I fooled the system, but what to do with it.
Why would someone want to do this?
The only reason I can think of is that they want to experiment on you and destroy you.
This is another way to torture you. Mind control programs are, most of the time, torture programs.
See also:
21 April 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
3. Suddenly you are at another place in your home
You kind of wake up in the kitchen while you remember you were sitting behind your computer in the living room. You also vaguely remember getting up and walking to the kitchen. There was no voice instructing you to go to the kitchen. You somehow just lost control and blanked out a bit and acted like a robot. Total confusion. What am I doing here? Why am I here?
2008 - 2009.
1. You 'wake up' in the kitchen but there was no need to go to the kitchen.
2. You 'wake up' standing in the toilet but there was no need to go to the toilet.
3. You wake up' standing somewhere in your house but there was no need to go to there.
How you can handle this:
At that time I was already very aware that they wanted to manipulate me. Or should I say: Experiment on me. I forced myself never to act on impulse, I quickly learned not to move if I felt an urge to move, to get up. This is probably much more easy to detect than for example saying words of a song, see 'Mind control to Major Tom (2)', because movement cuases all kinds of (bigger?) triggers in your brain.
Fortunately, I was soon able to avoid these robotic movements. If I felt the need to stand up, to walk somewhere, I could stop this. In the beginning I stood up, but the moment I stood I remembered to think why I was standing, was there a reason to stand? Yes, there was something that somehow made me think of 'the kitchen', but was there a reason to go to the kitchen? No, there wasn't. So I sat down again. Crazy.
After many times, I was able to stop this getting up. What I want to say is that this was easier to learn than not responding to forced songs. Sometimes I still worry that I will 'wake up' in a different place, but that doesn't happen anymore. So I believe I am in control of this manipulation.
See also:
20 April 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
2. You start singing a song related to your life at that moment
You start singing or humming a song. It is not the full song, just the start of it, the first words. You say these words, often aloud. And it is not just a song. The horror is that it is a song about what is going on in your life at that moment. There is no audible voice or melody. It must start somewhere in your subconscious.
2008 - 2009. In 2009 I was contacted by a TI who told me they were putting songs in his head that related to his life.
All the time. And again, some times when you would expect it, it is not there.
1. When I walk into the kitchen and there is sun, they force the start of the song 'Good day sunshine', or 'Sun sun sun here it comes'.
2. When I feel down, depressed, they force the start of the song 'Waarheen waarvoor'. This is a song played at funerals in The Netherlands.
3. When walk into my garden in the evening and look at the aircraft and lights from satellites, they force the song 'Ground control to major Tom'. Or 'Hoog Sammie, kijk omhoog Sammie', words of a Dutch song meaning 'look up, look up Sammie'.
How you can handle this:
I can't stop this, but I've learned to recognize it. Sometimes, just for fun, I change the song. For example, they force the song 'I want to be in America' (West Side Story), and I change it to 'I don't want to be an American'.
I'm very aware of it, but often I fail and am late in recognizing it, don't notice it until after I've said the words. If you are alone there is no problem. But it is not appropriate when you are in the company of other people. Sometimes I apologize, sorry, or make a comment, like 'nice song'. Terrible.
A TI from America fled his country and traveled through Europe on his bicycle. He contacted me in 2009 when he was in Belgium. Maybe six months before he contacted me, I noticed that I often started singing songs. I even told someone about it at that time. For every occasion there is a different song. I was somewhat confused about this, was doing this too often, this was not normal.
I invited the TI to come and stay at my house for a few days. When we talked about our harassment, he told me they were playing songs in his head that had to do with his life. He looked at me and asked if they were doing this to me too. I was shocked and realized at that moment that they had been doing this to me for months. I remained cool and said, must be horrible for you, and no, I have never experienced this. He left after a few days. From that moment I fought this by trying to recognize it.
See also:
16 April 2022
My experiences with brain manipulation.
Important: This is extremely dangerous technology. If you don't know this, don't understand this, can't recognize this, then you are a robot. And be careful: What they can do to you, they can do to someone close to you.
1. A repeating foreground thought
Description: This is not a voice. It's more like a word, an event, flashing on and off (bang-bang) in your brain. There are no sentences. The thought intrudes between your normal thoughts. You cannot make it disappear.
Around 2008. The year coincides with statements by Dr. James Giordano in 2018 in which he says they "went out" in 2008 to prove that the mind control technologies they had developed, really worked.
Sometimes it's there for 15 minutes, or a few hours, sometimes 24/7, sometimes it's gone. Depends very much on whether you follow the thought. Stops if you follow the thought or resist it for a very long time.
1. 'John, John'
Somehow related to the fact that you must contact John. The idea is that you contact John.
2. 'Accident, accident'.
Somewhere related to a terrible situation you have experienced. The idea is that by allowing this thought to occur, you will start thinking about / digging for related information from this experience. You may feel embarrassed because you know you did not act correctly.
How you can handle this:
I have spoken to people who claimed they could stop this by wearing a hat with frequency blocking materials, including mu-metal. They may be right but I can't wear a hat all the time. I decided to go for no protection and try to learn to recognize it. That's about learning to think why and what you think. It took me three years. And after many years, sometimes I am still not aware enough. Some times, at some point I think: Stop, this is not my thought!
A TI contacted me in 2008 and wanted to talk in person. Her harassment was about thoughts in her head. We met and she came with a man. She was a (beautiful) woman around 25 years old. She called this man a friend, but he seemed more like her handler to me. We sat down in a coffee corner of a hotel, we were the only people there. She sat across from me, it was a small table. The man was sitting at another table, maybe five meters away. Then she started talking and her sentences were about words that I was thinking about at the same time. This went on for about 30-60 minutes. I was totally confused, thinking the whole time, this is not possible! Stop! But I didn't show this or say this to her and did my best to have a conversation. Occasionally I looked at the man but he seemed busy, looking at his phone. She and the man left. I sent her an email, she replied that it was still going on but that she was otherwise doing well. I never heard from her again.
See also:
10 April 2022
On 9 February 2022 I sent a letter to the police in The Netherlands. As two months have passed and I did not get a reply, I am putting this letter online. I end the letter with the following questions:
1. Can you help the victims of this harassment to stop the attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
2. Can you help the victims of this harassment to find the perpetrators of the attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
3. Where can the victims go to stop attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
4. How can victims protect themselves from attacks with Directed Energy Weapons?
5. How can civilians prove that they are being attacked with Directed Energy Weapons?
10 April 2022
I have been in contact with Troy Jolly, a Targeted Individual from Australia, for some time. In March 2022, he sent me some messages with pictures of letters and communications between him and the media and the government. He asked me to put this information on a web page and share it with you.
10 April 2022
Insane disinformation (the aliens cooked and burned us), but useful to read as an example of a cover-up. First they made up the crickets, now the aliens.
10 April 2022
Paolo Fiora, a TI from the UK, made a (long) video about how he is currently been fried to death with microwave at home. Many TIs are treated the same way. In this video he is also trying to connect all the dots between Targeting, the Globalists' Depopulatin Agenda and how the war in Ukraine is actually, disturbingly, nothing more than Part Two of the WEF Great Reset Agenda:
3 April 2022
I was once, long time ago, in the US for work and there was a famous baseball (?) player giving a lecture and he told the story of his life and mentioned this, I never forget: Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
3 April 2022
From the moment I started STOPEG Foundation in 2007, I was approached by people who wanted me to join certain groups. There was one person who wanted me to join a whistleblower group in The Netherlands. I said I wouldn't do that. And there was a person who invited me to come to a group in the center of The Netherlands. Here there were mostly people from the (well-known) alternative media. When I was asked to introduce myself I was constantly interrupted by a person who said that what I said was not true and that we were all culturally programmed. I was also invited to give lectures in many cities along with another person on this topic. As you can imagine, I did not do this. The key word is 'contain'. When you act outside the rules they try to 'contain' you. They also try to assign 'handlers' to you. I know a few of my 'handlers' and let them be happy. Most of them have no idea what is going on. They are just slaves of the system.
3 April 2022
Attacks with Directed Energy Weapons are very real. Watch the videos where US diplomats and security officers talk about these attacks:
or here:
- Pulsed Microwave Attacks on US, Canadian, Embassy and Security Personnel: The Havana Syndrome
'Seized by some invisible hand': What it feels like to have Havana Syndrome
13 October 2021 -
Fighting an Invisible Enemy: The voices of Havana Syndrome.
22 December 2021 -
"Havana Syndrome" stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds
22 February 2022
20 March 2022
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari: Will humanity survive the 21st century?
Much has been said and written on this subject. Here is a presentation at the World Economic Forum in 2020.
This presentation is about automation and Artificial Intelligence, a revolution in which we are already fully engaged but also one that is only at the beginning.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, philosopher, author of Sapiens, among others, speaks about the threats and dangers of what he calls technological disruption of human society and human life caused by automation and Artificial Intelligence.
- Creation of a 'useless class'
Artificial Intelligence makes people who cannot keep up irrelevant, and so an economic 'useless class' is created, and on a country level, 'useless countries'.
- Data colonialism
If you have enough data of the (important) people of a country, if you know everything about them, you don't need to send soldiers to control the country.
- Digital dictatorships
Biological knowledge combined with sufficient computer power and collected data, knows more about you than you do yourself. And can therefore hack us. Soon certain governments and companies will be able to do this to millions of people at once. We must accept that we are no longer mystical souls but hackable animals.
Further, Harari mentions the advent of transhumanism. In the coming decades we will be able, for the first time in human history, to create new life according to our own design. We can still go in many directions, but will we be able to choose the right one? Will humanity survive the twenty-first century?
From Harari's website: 'History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods'.
Then Mark Rutte, politician, who talks mainly about the opportunities of Artificial Intelligence. Rutte thinks exclusively in the nice things like making people better faster, making money, bringing in AI data centers and being friends with big tech.
Algorithms make decisions very differently from humans. Nobody will soon know how decisions are made. Rutte is not so for regulating Artificial Intelligence. Because who controls the regulator.
Here we see very clearly how humanity as we know it will be lost if we leave decisions about Artificial Intelligence to politicians acting on behalf of big tech, economic motives. As humanity, we have nothing to gain from this. Can we change this?
12 March 2022
What many people call Voice-to-Skull (V2K) is in fact microwave hearing. We know how this works because of US Patent 4877027. Please also read the summary of Mark Rich about Microwave Hearing.
5 March 2022
Demonstration of how to protect yourself from microwaves, including LRAD. LRAD devices were recently used by police against protesters in Australia.
1 March 2022
To Dr. James Giordano Targeted Individuals are organic substances primarily in the occupational and commercial range.
From 18.40: What we mean is there are a number of nations worldwide that have dedicated effort to employing these devices
for testing organic and inorganic substances primarily in the occupational and commercial range.
If we take a look at these nations include the United States and many of its allies, China, Russia among others.
At 43.42: What steps do recommend for civilian patients who've been given diagnoses similar to those of embassy personnel
by dr Hoffer and his group in Miami.
Yeah, that's a very very good question and I must you I receive a number of emails, a number of correspondences from individuals
who have reports in which they're reporting certainly symptoms and in some cases validateable signs.
I think what becomes very very important is for them to seek clinical assistance see clinical aid first and foremost.
Why. Well clearly they're suffering.
Something is wrong.
Find out what is wrong that also helps to provide objective evidence that there are dysfunctional parameters and abnomalities
which would then be important to feed if you will up the chain so these can then be further evaluated
and there are a number of evaluative programs as we know operative right now in the United States
into which that information would then be uptaken so the individuals might then progress into the verification validation pipelines.
26 February 2022
Taylor hopes his '60 Minutes' testimony will encourage other victims to report. Many stay silent for fear of being perceived as mentally unstable. Since the report aired, he's been contacted by multiple intelligence leaders and others with similar experiences. 'I think we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg,' he told me.
23 February 2022
CBS News did a separate report on the children of Havana Syndrome. Not only adults are attacked. Their innocent children are also abused and tortured with these weapons.
Many Targeted Individuals with children witness this themselves. Their children are attacked to give the parent(s) (maximum) pain. The parent(s) cannot protect their children, and the police cannot help. Unimaginable cruelty. Please share.
21 February 2022
ABC News 60 Minutes investigative report about the Havana Syndrome. Interviews with victims and experts. A must watch if you are attacked these ways.
19 February 2022
High-ranking Homeland Security officials in the Trump administration say they were overcome with feelings of vertigo, confusion and memory loss while on White House grounds and in their Washington, D.C.-area homes. The incidents and symptoms they describe are similar to the 'Havana Syndrome' that has been reported by American diplomats in foreign countries since 2016.
18 February 2022
Havana Syndrome in 1984 (compare symptoms): Women peace activists close to the U.S. Air Force base at Greenham in England attacked with microwaves. Many began suffering illness ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times or post-menopausal, to bouts of temporary paralysis, faulty speech coordination and in one case apparent circulatory failure. Other symptoms documented included vertigo, retinal bleeding, burnt face (even at night), nausea, sleep disturbances and palpitations.
18 February 2022
Protest in Australia 15 Feb 2022 (microwaved as well?): ... However a large number of protestors are reporting back the worst sunburn they have ever experienced including severe burns on the lips as other physical and mental symptoms.
12 February 2022
Havana Syndrome in 2003. Jesus Mendoza filed a law suit against the US Attorney General John Ashcroft seeking an order to cease and desist from subjecting Mendoza and his family to electronic surveillance after Mendoza saw his children with seizure and convulsions in the middle of the night while meters showed high intensities of radiation inside the home.
7 February 2022
The year is 2006. Radar is a Directed Energy Weapon. Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar can be independently aimed in different directions. This makes it possible, to focus enough energy to damage aircraft or missiles. The U.S. has already been doing this in AESA radars used in F14, F35 and F22 aircraft.
3 February 2022
The US intelligence community report released 2 February 2022 concludes that the symptoms probably are caused by ultrasound and pulsed microwave energy. The report also mentions that microwaves propagate through building materials and that psychosocial factors - which include work demands, stress and depression - cannot alone account for the core symptoms.
24 January 2022
Are there people from the United States who have been able to file a police report in states with penal codes against electronic harassment?
23 January 2022
CIA trying to downplay the Havana Syndrome. They say in an interim report that in about two dozen cases they can't rule out foreign involvement. Here is the reaction of Mark Zaid, lawyer for a number of those affected, on this CIA interim report:
14 January 2022
NATO military researchers are developing "cognitive warfare," to wage a "battle for your brain" in the "human domain," weaponizing science.
12 January 2022
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Paris, Geneva, US diplomats. The Wall Street Journal reported additional illnesses among officials serving in U.S. diplomatic missions in Paris and Geneva, where the United States and Russia held security talks on Monday over Moscow's troop buildup near the Ukraine border.
12 January 2022
If you are a TI and live in Europe do not forget to check if your personal data is also with Europol.
Europol has been accused by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) of unlawfully holding information and aspiring to become an NSA-style mass surveillance agency. Europol will be forced to delete much of a vast store of personal data that it has been found to have amassed unlawfully.
Here is the (per country) information how you can request your personal data from Europol:
10 January 2022
Let's all try to end Electronic Harassment / Electronic Torture in 2022! In 2021, for the first time I was able to file a police report. What was different from previous attempts? The Havana Syndrome. Joe Biden signed the Havana Syndrome Act in 2021, a recognition that this form of assault can have harmful consequences. No one can deny that these attacks do not exist. Inform/educate the police if they do not know, always take a copy of the Havana Syndrome website I created and above all, mention the symptoms that are on this website first. I did it, so you can do it too. The police will tell you that they cannot help you. Tell the police that you want to inform politicians with your report so that these weapons can be banned and the police instructed to help victims.
30 December 2021
Best wishes for 2022 to all good people in the world!
If you are a TI i hope your suffering will become less, and/or you find ways to deal with this.
If you are a TI attacked with DEW, here is an example of an email you can send to politicians, lawyers, police, human rights organizations, etc.
--- start ---
Subject: Advise to get recognition and compensation for my (often immense) suffering
Dear ...,
My name is ... living in ...
I am an ordinary citizen who has been attacked with directed energy weapons since ...
My attacks bear great resemblance to attacks mentioned in many main stream media articles about the Havana Syndrome.
Please advise or help me to get recognition and compensation for my (often immense) suffering.
Attached is a PDF with references to many main stream media articles, videos, documents, related to the Havana Syndrome.
Thank you in advance.
Hoping to hear soon from you,
Kind regards,
Attached: Havana_Syndrome_STOPEG_20211231.pdf
--- end ---
30 December 2021
There is nothing in the world that is worse then being a victim that everybody doubts.' Good follow-up report including video by NBC News about four people that worked at the US embassy in Havana, Cuba.
30 December 2021
Its now almost 2022 and i repost an article by Mathew Alexander from 2006. How is this different from the Havana Syndrome?
30 December 2021
The $768 billion US defense-spending bill that President Joe Biden signed into law on Monday includes a $30 million provision for victims of Havana syndrome, a mysterious illness that officials believe is the result of directed-energy attacks by a hostile state. Hey Joe Biden, what about us ... Targeted Individuals?
22 December 2021
Was George W. Bush a 2007 victim of Russia-induced 'Havana Syndrome'? The former first lady describes arriving in Heiligendamm (the first couple was staying in a villa on the Grand Hotel Heiligendamm compound). But, she writes, "by the afternoon of [June 7] I could barely stand up. My head inexplicably throbbed; I was horribly dizzy and nauseated. I went to bed, pulled up the covers, and for several hours felt so awful that I might die right there in the hotel room." Mrs. Bush continues, "Over the next day nearly a dozen members of our delegation were stricken, even [former President George W. Bush], who started to feel sick during an early morning staff briefing." Mrs. Bush's memoir notes that "for most of us, the primary symptoms were nausea or dizziness, but one of our military aides had difficulty walking and a White House staffer lost all hearing in one ear." Suspecting a possible poison attack, the Secret Service "went on full alert."
18 December 2021
Mark Lenzi, a State Department security officer who worked in the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China, filed a civil action against United States Department of State, and Antony J. Blinken. Around November 2017, approximately 15 months after they arrived in Guangzhou, Mr. Lenzi was injured in the line of duty. Mr. Lenzi and his wife and children began experiencing sudden and unexplained mental and physical symptoms, including headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleeplessness, and memory loss. Read more:
4 December 2021
I have been telling for over 10 years that it is possible to record your motor skills through your brain, and then play back. Start recording and raise your arm. Play back and your arm goes up. Electrodes are NOT required. Pretty horrible torture when you understand what they are doing to you.
3 December 2021
Dear TI's, let's make our harassment more official! If you are a Targeted Individual being attacked with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), go to the police and report it if you have not done this. A few months ago I went to the police again and for the first time I was able to officially report the incident. What made the police change their minds? The Havana Syndrome. I took a printout of the STOPEG Havana Syndrome website with me:
3 December 2021
Historic approval: brain information will be protected in the Constitution.
- Chile becomes first country to pass neuro-rights law
- In the face of neurotechnology advances, Chile passes 'neuro rights' law
- Historic approval: brain information will be protected in the Constitution
- The NeuroRights Foundation
- Chapter Seven - Neurorights in Chile: Between neuroscience and legal science
- UW Institute for Neuroengineering
- Is Mankind Able to Prevent Abuse of New Technologies Against Democracy and Human Rights?
3 December 2021
Ik heb antwoord op mijn Wob-verzoeken aan de NTCV. Niets zinvols, ik zal weer nieuwe brieven aan andere organisaties moeten sturen. Je kan de brieven en de reacties op de brieven op de link bekijken. This post is about what is called in the US the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
30 October 2021
Havana Syndrome is not a disease but a name for symptoms of attacks with Directed Energy Weapons. These weapons are not new but have been around for many decades. See for example the 1985 CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons:
20 October 2021
'I felt like I was being struck with something,' she said. 'Pain that I have never felt before in my life ... mostly in my head and in my eyes.... It was as if I had been seized by some invisible hand and I couldn't move.' Onufer and two of her former colleagues in Havana ... spoke to NBC News about their experiences after getting permission from the State Department. They want the world to know that what happened to them in Havana caused real suffering and documentable injuries, and that those who insist this must be a case of mass psychosis are wrong.
17 October 2021
The anti-terror laws enacted after 9/11, including the Patriot Act, are not directed against Jihad or ISIS groups, but against anyone who disagrees with the NWO (New World Order) narrative.With these laws, anyone can be attacked by government organizations. Targeted Individuals are / have not only been used by government organizations to create a huge stalker network, they are / have also been used to conduct all kinds of brain and body experiments.
13 October 2021
All Targeted Individuals who are gang stalked should send an invoice to their government for all the work they have done: 'I have been used by government agencies (FBI, Homeland Security, CIA, ...) to create a network of stalkers, comparable with Zersetzung in East Germany. Without me this network would be much more limited. Amount: 5 Million Dollars. Due in 30 days.'
13 October 2021
Havana Syndrome now in Bogota, Colombia. No one can say anymore that these weapons do not exist and are not used. The US embassy in Bogota is one of the largest in the world. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit the country on October 20, 2021.
30 September 2021
Ryan Conlon attempted to sue the CIA, DOD, Air Force for attacking him with Direct Energy Weapons citing the Havana Syndrome Act of 2021 The judge ultimately ruled against him.
PATCS (People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance) International, 24 September 2021 -
Leagle, 22 September 2021. -
Pulsed Microwave Attacks on US, Canadian, Embassy and Security Personnel: The Havana Syndrome
STOPEG (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking)
29 September 2021
Nah, nobody can read and manipulate your thoughts ... oh wait ... they can.
Mind reading with brain scanners
John-Dylan Haynes, TEDxBerlin, 24 September 2021
I wrote an article about this in 2012:
Warning: you no longer can trust your own thoughts
STOPEG, 27 February 2021
29 September 2021
Havana Syndrome now in Serbia.
Havana Syndrome Attacks Widen With CIA Officer’s Evacuation From Serbia
The Wall Street Journal, 28 September 2021
28 September 2021
Havana Syndrome: Dr. James Giordano said it could be some form of ultrasonic or acoustic device; a rapidly-pulsed microwave; or a laser-based system.
CNN Interviews Top Neurologist James Giordano Over 'Havana Syndrome'
CNN, 25 August 2021
15 August 2021
The Spark is a must watch film by Stephen Schellenberger about a man's journey down the rabbit hole, it is about becoming a Targeted Individual. Paranoia, kill income, break-ins, gaslighting, the world around you is completely manipulated.
Rent, Buy (€ 3,37, € 10,14):
Become a Stephen Schellenberger patron:
In English, no subtitles.
For more information:
15 August 2021
NeuroSWARM3 are cell-sized nanosensors that can be injected straight into the bloodstream, and then will travel to your brain, where they monitor your neural activity and even potentially thoughts. The signals it generates are remotely measurable, no implants required.
14 August 2021
After CHC2014 I asked Rauni Kilde (Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde) if she would like to speak at CHC next year. She said gladly. Later, in December 2014, I got an email from her that she was 'cooked to death' with DEW. She passed away a few months later.
14 August 2021
STOPEG was the main organiser of the Covert Harassment Conference 2014, Brussels. Hours before the CHC2014 on 20 November 2014, Myron May, a well-known Targeted Individual, was shot dead after opening fire on a number of people.
14 August 2021
If you are a Targeted Individual and you can write well and you want to contribute, I have a project for you. Help correct all the nonsense that is being written about Targeted Individuals. Starting with Wikipedia. Create an account and go. For example the page:
Use information for example from:
11 August 2021
3/ For people in The Netherlands I put references to example letters on a webpage, letters to Police and secret services differ from GDPR (AVG) letters:
Wat kan je doen als dit je overkomt
11 August 2021
2/ Frank van der Linde is a Dutch activist, advisor and coach, and requested his files from the NCTV (National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism), the police and the municipality of Amsterdam and shared them with Dutch newspaper NRC. The NCTV did not only use his online statements for a general outline of the 'social discourse'. The NCTV disseminated information about him to police forces, security agencies and municipalities, after which he ended up in a terrorism probe.
or here:
Frank van der Linde:
11 August 2021
1/ Suggestion: Companies, including government agencies, in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (except GB) have implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means you have the right to know if a government agency is using your personal data, and if true, with whom they share your data. Get an example letter and send it to government agencies dealing with security.
6 August 2021
The US Senate passed a bill that would boost medical care for American diplomats and spies who develop mysterious brain injuries amid an uptick in suspected directed-energy attacks. In the US a number of initiatives have been started by Targeted Individuals to file a Class Action lawsuit. They also want recognition and compensation. Join them or start your own.
22 July 2021
Gang stalking and electronic harassment are MIND RAPE. I wrote this article in 2009, but it is still very timely: Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(25) - mind rape targets to steal, torture, murder, create enemies (and call them terrorists)
22 July 2021
Further evidence that there are people walking around with Directed Energy Weapons and attacking other people with them. Mainstream media articles on the attacks on US diplomats in Vienna, Austria, July 2021.
15 July 2021
DO YOU HAVE FREE WILL? HOW DO YOU KNOW? I suggest you watch this video. Many TIs know neuro weapons exist, because their brain is attacked. Why not start international treaties to ban these Neuro weapons now! A better title would have been: The Brain is the Battlefield of Today
Investigation, legislation, compensation
The victims of these crimes demand:
- INVESTIGATION - Investigation into these (war) crimes against civilians must be started now.
- LEGISLATION - New laws must explicitely forbid these crimes.
- COMPENSATION - The victims must be compensated, the perpetrators must be brought to justice.