October 25, 2012, 20:37
Hi, I am ready to share information with you about how to play it cool with your governernment.
1. The attack is taking place through directed energyweapons which are mounted to HALO-RPAV's (High altititude long endurance remotely piloted airborn vehicles)
2. You cant see them very often because they fly at near stratospheric alittudes.
3. To cause the bodily injuries they need more than one HALO-RPAV(so that the beams cross and heat bodily tissue)
4. If you keep moving around you will not be able to be killed.
5. The attacks carry the watermark of a heirarchial criminal group that has no relation to any government dept. they are not a `black governernment'. (except possibly in oppressive regimes)
6. The deniability and misdiagnosis potential for the victim is at the heart of their cunning-ness.
7. Do not report the V2k to your doctor. Report the perception of frey effect hearing which stops happening when you are at basemnt level or withing a large building.
8. Keep your eyes open for the HALO-RPAV's on a clear night. Get witnesses. There may be up to 50 of them (or more!) This IS how its happening guarenteed!
9. They have to lower them to cook you!
10. They need to use the white strobe to know where in airspace they are because only on/two of the HALO-RPAV's will have GPS spoof.
11. Just imagine, because the HALO-RPAV's are sattelite controlled, there must be an each-way comms channel. Are they spoofing as analogue/digital sattlite phones or pagers? And, who uses them anyway.
12. Which sattelite constellation is controlling this sh!tty ugly murder stinking uglyness ??
13. Next coroner to not listen to the truth is getting egged for it.
14. Person becomes ill as a result of mental illness and then becomes delusional and kills themselves. They arrange life insurance over 100 times and they get special policies that pay out.
15. Does it not make you want to vomit that the government dont give a flying??
16. Does the government not give a flying because too many websites are trying to make out their democratic governement is behind the murders.
17. Why on earth is nobody finding out where the factory is thats churning out these disgusting things.
18. I saw one at 300ft and it looked a little like a yamaha rmax uav. Ladies and gents.. please get looking, and.. stop dying, start moving and get your windows saturated in tin foil or iron sheets..
19. When they call you crackers... keep calm, in the UK they can now incarcerate under new 2007 mental health act for practically no illness at all and juyst serious distress.. talking too fast and having dulu's (delusions) = BANG (loud hospital door closing for 2 years.
20. If that happens, get smashing your windows (through which your murder is being conducted. And hope they put you in a part of the hospital that doesent have any and where you are surrounded by structural walls. Pray that after smashing the hospital windows that they dont pump you full of lithium and tape you to your bed... RIP :{
While keeping still, they can distort your heart valve in THREE MINUTES. And you die.
Want to share evidence.... tjbaker1979@hotmail.co.uk
+44(0)7901 376 848
I want people to write descriptions of those ugly flying objects.
1. The attack is taking place through directed energyweapons which are mounted to HALO-RPAV's (High altititude long endurance remotely piloted airborn vehicles)
2. You cant see them very often because they fly at near stratospheric alittudes.
3. To cause the bodily injuries they need more than one HALO-RPAV(so that the beams cross and heat bodily tissue)
4. If you keep moving around you will not be able to be killed.
5. The attacks carry the watermark of a heirarchial criminal group that has no relation to any government dept. they are not a `black governernment'. (except possibly in oppressive regimes)
6. The deniability and misdiagnosis potential for the victim is at the heart of their cunning-ness.
7. Do not report the V2k to your doctor. Report the perception of frey effect hearing which stops happening when you are at basemnt level or withing a large building.
8. Keep your eyes open for the HALO-RPAV's on a clear night. Get witnesses. There may be up to 50 of them (or more!) This IS how its happening guarenteed!
9. They have to lower them to cook you!
10. They need to use the white strobe to know where in airspace they are because only on/two of the HALO-RPAV's will have GPS spoof.
11. Just imagine, because the HALO-RPAV's are sattelite controlled, there must be an each-way comms channel. Are they spoofing as analogue/digital sattlite phones or pagers? And, who uses them anyway.
12. Which sattelite constellation is controlling this sh!tty ugly murder stinking uglyness ??
13. Next coroner to not listen to the truth is getting egged for it.
14. Person becomes ill as a result of mental illness and then becomes delusional and kills themselves. They arrange life insurance over 100 times and they get special policies that pay out.
15. Does it not make you want to vomit that the government dont give a flying??
16. Does the government not give a flying because too many websites are trying to make out their democratic governement is behind the murders.
17. Why on earth is nobody finding out where the factory is thats churning out these disgusting things.
18. I saw one at 300ft and it looked a little like a yamaha rmax uav. Ladies and gents.. please get looking, and.. stop dying, start moving and get your windows saturated in tin foil or iron sheets..
19. When they call you crackers... keep calm, in the UK they can now incarcerate under new 2007 mental health act for practically no illness at all and juyst serious distress.. talking too fast and having dulu's (delusions) = BANG (loud hospital door closing for 2 years.
20. If that happens, get smashing your windows (through which your murder is being conducted. And hope they put you in a part of the hospital that doesent have any and where you are surrounded by structural walls. Pray that after smashing the hospital windows that they dont pump you full of lithium and tape you to your bed... RIP :{
While keeping still, they can distort your heart valve in THREE MINUTES. And you die.
Want to share evidence.... tjbaker1979@hotmail.co.uk
+44(0)7901 376 848
I want people to write descriptions of those ugly flying objects.