Get proof of your sanity(?)
Sometimes victims who believe they are attacked by electronic weapons, contact me and ask me how they can make other people believe them. What they are looking for is some proof of their sanity.

Today, if you mention you are attacked by electronic weapons, you are advised to go see a doctor and often get diagnosed a schizophrenic because that is what the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) says.

I believe that victims of these crimes should NEVER visit a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you are convinced you are sane, like most people, but the psychologist or psychiatrist is plain stupid or is compromized in one way or the other, (false) diagnosing you with a mental disorder will mean that your life is more or less over. You cannot take this risk! If you really are a target, the aim is to eliminate you. What can be more easy for your attackers to have you diagnosed a schizo? Case closed.

Are there any tests that can prove your sanity anyway? I asked a victim who is a doctor himself if there are tests that can show your sanity. He replied that there are tests like Rorschach, Thematic Apperception test, Personality profile, MMPI, which can be of help in proving a persons psychological state, fMRI is helpful in ruling out hypofrontality.

I will update this section if I have read more about these tests and if a psychologists or psychiatrist can do these tests with you.

Maybe some of these tests are also part of some Career Assessment Tests.

Will try to do more research and let you know.

Messages In This Thread
Get proof of your sanity(?) - by petermooring - July 14, 2012, 19:06
RE: Get proof of your sanity(?) - by John Allman - July 14, 2012, 20:21
RE: Get proof of your sanity(?) - by Dirck - July 14, 2012, 23:17

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