Innocent citizens put on terrorist lists by Dutch police unit TOOI

Summary: On 15 May 2023, mainstream Dutch television network, RTL Nieuws, revealed that innocent people have been labeled terrorists and put on terrorist lists. They are followed everywhere, their friends are contacted, and informants are deployed. On 1 June 2023, this was acknowledged by Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius (Justice) who says that the victims must above all take action themselves to resolve this.

On 15 May 2023, mainstream Dutch television network, RTL Nieuws, revealed that innocent people have been labeled terrorists and put on terrorist lists, also put on international lists, by a Dutch police unit TOOI. They got this information by a FOIA request.

In the Netherlands there are three units, part of the Dutch police and Dutch secret service AIVD, that can run informants, in fact they can more or less do what they want. What happens is that they label a person, and then this information is shared with other police units and international police organizations.

From this article: "They infiltrate groups, follow people secretly, pay informants and watch what people do online. This can happen to anyone, including people who haven't done anything criminal. But no one monitors what the teams do. And that gives the TOOI a lot of room to decide for themselves when they will follow someone. And they take that leeway. From internal documents and police files that we have gotten our hands on, it appears that the police know about this. And that it's been happening for at least a decade. ... Mayors should oversee TOOI, but that's barely happening now."

The following terrorist codes were published in the article of 15 May 2023:

  • CTER01 CTER algemeen / CTER general
  • CTER02 Jihadistisch terrorisme / Jihadist terrorism
  • CTER03 Niet jihad, religieus terrorisme / Not jihad, religious terrorism
  • CTER04 Links extremisme / Left-wing extremism
  • CTER05 Dier-of milieu-extremisme / Animal or environmental extremism
  • CTER06 Rechtsextremisme / Right-wing extremism
  • CTER07 Separatisme / Separatism
  • CTER08 Niet CTER-waardig / Not CTER-worthy

This article links to another article about a person that was put on this list, there is a video, unfortunately in Dutch only:

From the video: "I have no criminal record, I also always listen to the police. And yet I'm on the list. ... This can happen to anyone, including people who haven't done anything criminal. But no one monitors what the teams do. Nor is there any law at all for it. And that gives the TOOI a lot of room to decide for themselves when they are going to follow someone. And they take that leeway. Soccer supporters, animal activists, anti-corona activists, Muslim activists, are being watched by the TOOI without having done anything criminal. ... I was constantly stopped, pulled over. Even the people I am with are questioned. ... Sometimes that information even goes abroad. ... Said received a letter from the government, saying in English that he is not suspected of anything. Does that one work? No, not at all. ... People just don't want to deal with you anymore. They think, there's so much negativity around that person so he must have done something. I've been suicidal for a long time because I just didn't see a way out of it."

On 16 May 2023, in the parliament questions were raised to the Minister of Justice:

On 1 June 2023 was a sort of follow-up on mainstream news website Algemeen Dagblad:

From this article: "Hundreds of Dutch people are possibly unjustly on a 'secret terror list,' simply because the police would sometimes have forgotten to take them off it. This has a great impact on their lives. Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius (Justice) acknowledges that there are Dutch citizens who have been unjustly flagged, but says that the victims must above all take action themselves to resolve this."


  • Very important here is that the minister of Justice confirms that this happens. What is insane is that she says to go solve it yourself.

  • By law, it is required that police unit TOOI informs the mayor of the city of the target and what they are going to do. The mayor has to supervise but hardly gets any information.
  • There were two lawsuits in 2006 in the Netherlands about Personalized Disruption (Persoonsgericht Verstoren). Here the police used methods what they call: 'Letting a person know that he is under surveillance'. The judge said these methods were not allowed because of human rights, including the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights). Of course the government was not happy and appealed. In the end one case was allowed because it was considered 'proportional'. But a lot (most) lawmakers disagreed with this.

    For example:

  • All EU countries have the same types of law. But the methods used by police (units) and secret services are not described in detail in laws. They mainly use the words:

    • Proportionality: There must be a reasonable relationship between the end and the means employed.
    • Subsidiarity: Use the least intrusive means to achieve a particular goal.

    There are government organizations checking what these units do and if it is within the law. One organization is: Intelligence and Security Services Regulatory Commission (CTIVD). They publish a report annually with big parts redacted.

  • I found one government document (dated 2012) which includes a list of methods that they use:

    Under the section 'Disrupt':

    • Obstructive tracking and/or strategic placement of police vehicles
    • Addressing people on the street in their own environment
    • Blaming and shaming on social media (infiltration)
    • Contact meeting places (gym/youth center)
    • Removal of minors
    • etc.

    Document: Toolbox Personalized Approach High Impact Crimes, includes Sample intervention matrix (Excel)
    Toolbox Persoonsgerichte Aanpak High Impact Crimes, bevat Voorbeeld interventiematrix (Excel)
    Openbaar Ministerie en politie, December 2012

  • If you want to look for police units in your country doing this, I suggest you start with the units that can run informants and infiltrants. In the Netherlands, there are three units working for police and secret service AIVD.

    These units are:

    • TCI: Team Criminele Inlichtingen / Team Criminal Intelligence)
    • TOOI: Team Openbare Orde Inlichtingen / Team Public Order Intelligence)
    • ID: Dienst WIV / AIVD team

    Almost nothing is recorded what they do, because they 'must protect the privacy of their informants'.

  • In the Netherlands, the deployment of civilian infiltrators takes place through the police unit 'Werken onder Dekmantel' / 'Working Under Cover' (WOD), of the Department of Covert Operations of the National Police.
  • A few years ago two investigative journalists researched also these methods and concluded the same: Innocent civilians are put on lists and never get off the list.

    • 'But so there are individuals unjustly listed. That is partly related to the also identified inadequate intake.'
    • "Screening who can come off the list is something you do when you have enough time, but we do it though, in between," confesses an Infobox employee.
    • Victis is an information system managed by Ducth secret service AIVD. CT Infobox staff search their own organization's systems for data on persons registered in Victis and transfer them (manually and in a set format) to it. Combining this dispersed stored data into a 'resume' and analyzing that whole from different perspectives should then reveal threats. Information does not leave the CT Infobox. The CT Infobox does not take action itself, but advises partner organizations to take certain measures. Those measures, BZK Minister Johan Remkes wrote to the House of Representatives in March 2005, can be of various kinds: "intelligence-related, criminal, immigration and disruption-related. Organizations decide for themselves what to do with the advice.

    Document: Friction on the secret workplace
    Frictie op de geheime werkvloer

  • There is much more information like:

    • National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV)
    • CT Infobox (Counterterrorism Infobox)
      The CT Infobox is a partnership of parties within the security, investigation and intelligence domain: AIVD, MIVD, National Police Unit, KMar, IND, FIOD-ECD, OM, FIU-NL, Inspectorate SZW and NCTV. They have joined forces to contribute to the fight against terrorism.

Peter Mooring. 4 June 2023
STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapens and Gangstalking)